Winner – 2018 Voice Arts Award

By Bryan Thomas Schmidt – editor

2018 ABR Award Winner

By Geoff Sturtevant
WINNER – 2018 Audiobook Reviewer Listener Award – Humor

2018 Audie Award Finalist

By Ralph N. Laughlin and Ann E. Johnson

By Edward G. Longacre

By William W. Johnstone & JA Johnstone

By William W. Johnstone & JA Johnstone

By Michael A. Sanford

By William W. Johnstone & JA Johnstone

By William W. Johnstone & JA Johnstone

By Chris L. Adams

By Davy Murrah

By Wm. W. Johnstone, JA Johnstone

By James Rosen

By Jeffrey J. Mariotte



12, Rodd Wagner, James K. Harter Ph.D

The 10: How to Live and Love in a World That Has Lost Its Way, Robert Jeffress

The 10 Stupidest Mistakes Men Make When Facing Divorce, Joseph Cordell Esq.

A Cold Red Sunrise, Stuart M. Kaminsky

A Fine Red Rain, Stuart M. Kaminsky

A Good Day For A Massacre, William W. Johnstone with JA Johnstone

A Hangman’s Diary, Franz Schmidt

A Princess of Mars: Shadow of the Assassins, Ann Tonsor Zeddies

Abuse Of Power, Fred V. Lucas, Craig Shirley

After Dachau, Daniel Quinn

Against All Gods, Phillip E. Johnson

Against The Great Reset, Edited by Michael Walsh

All Saints, Michael Spurlock, Jeanette Windle

The Amateur, Edward Klein

America First, Danny Toma

America The Strong, William J. Bennett and John T.E. Cribb

American Dream Machine, Matthew Specktor

An Owl Too Many, Charlotte MacLeod

Atomic Awakening, James Mahaffey

Bad Hombres, William W. Johnstone, JA Johnstone

Believers, Thinkers, and Founders, Kevin Seamus Hasson

Big Tent, Mallory Factor, Elizabeth Factor

Black Horse Creek, Charles G. West

Black Knight in Red Square, Stuart M. Kaminsky

BLM, Mike Gonzalez

Blood Aces, Doug J. Swanson

Blood and Rubles, Stuart M. Kaminsky

Blood on McAllister, Matt Chisholm

Blood, Steel, and Canvas, Craig A. Wilson

Bloody Sixteen, Peter Fey

The Blue Man, Dr. Robert Norman

Bomb Scene Investigation, Dr. Kirk Yeager, Selene Yeager

The Bribe, William P. Wood

Broken Trust, William P. Wood

Brought To Battle, J. Scott Payne *

Bus on Jaffa Road, Mike Kelly

Carson Of Venus: The Edge Of All Worlds, Matt Betts

Cattle Kingdom, Christopher Knowlton

Chef Tell, Ronald Joseph Kule

Citizen Newt, Craig Shirley

Clarence Thomas and the Lost Constitution, Myron Magnet

Classified: The Untold Story Of Racial Classification In America, David E. Bernstein

Code: Tsunami, Kay Jennings

A Cold Red Sunrise, Stuart M. Kaminsky

Colter’s Journey, William W. Johnstone, J.A. Johnstone

Come West And See, Maxim Loskutoff *

Cool It, Bjorn Lomborg

The Corpse in Oozak’s Pond, Charlotte MacLeod

Cowering in Place, NgTo *

Crooked Snake: The Life and Crimes of Albert Lepard, Lovejoy Boteler

The Curse of the Giant Hogweed, Charlotte MacLeod

Cutthroats, William W. Johnstone, J.A. Johnstone

Dallas Noir, David Hale Smith

The Dark Lady, Mike Resnick

Dark Sand, Kay Jennings

Dark Tides Of Mars, Chris L. Adams

Dark Water, Mick Bose

Day of the Dove, Rainer Rey

The Dead Detective, William Heffernan

Deadville, Robert F. Jones

Death, Daring, & Disaster, Charles R. “Butch” Farabee, Jr.

Death of a Dissident, Stuart M. Kaminsky

Death of a Russian Priest, Stuart M. Kaminsky

Defeating Darwinism, Phillip E. Johnson

Defenders Of The West, Raymond Ibrahim

Desert Death-Song, Louis L’Amour

Do You Take This Man…Again, Lori Avocato

The Dog Who Bit a Policeman, Stuart M. Kaminsky

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Don Bruns

The Double-A Western Detective Agency, Steve Hockensmith

Eight Days In May, Volker Ullrich

Erasing America, James S. Robbins

Evolution: Still A Theory In Crisis, Michael Denton

Evolution Impossible, Dr. John F. Aston

Executive Actions, Gary Grossman

Executive Command, Gary Grossman

Executive Force, Gary Grossman

Executive Treason, Gary Grossman

Exit the Milkman, Charlotte MacLeod

Exit Wounds, Joe R. Lansdale

Eyes Of Eagles, William W. Johnstone & JA Johnstone

Fall of a Cosmonaut, Stuart M. Kaminsky

The Far Shore, Edward Ellsberg

Fighting Caravans, Zane Grey

Final Ride For Justice, Jesse Storm

The First Light of Evening, Mark Ernest Pothier

Fisherman’s Fall, Roderick L. Haig-Brown

Fisherman’s Winter, Roderick L. Haig-Brown

From The Front Row, Jeffrey H. Loria

Fugitive City, William P. Wood

Gangland, William P. Wood

The Gift Of Our Wounds, Pradeep Singh Kaleka & Arno Michaelis

God Is in the House, Virginia Foxx

Gratitude Works!, Robert A. Emmons

Green Fraud, Marc Morano

Gross Embellishments, Geoff Sturtevant *

Gunfight, Adam Winkler

Gunsmoke for Mcallister, Matt Chisholm

Hang Him Twice (Trail West, Book 3), William W. Johnstone, JA Johnstone

Hang Them Slowly, William W. Johnstone, JA Johnstone

The Happiest Life, Hugh Hewitt

Hard Currency, Stuart M. Kaminsky

Harry, Revised, Mark Sarvas

The Hash Knife Outfit, Zane Grey

Hell For Breakfast, William W. Johnstone, JA Johnstone

Hell for McAllister, Matt Chisholm

Henry VII: Wolfman, A.E. Moorat *

Hidden Agenda, Mick Bose

The Holy, Daniel Quinn

Home Run, Travis Thrasher

Hot Commodities, Jim Rogers

I Can’t Breathe, David Horowitz

I, Saul, Jerry B. Jenkins, James MacDonald

Idoru, William Gibson

In Defense Of The Second Amendment, Larry Correia

Investment Biker, Jim Rogers

It Wasn’t About Slavery, Samuel W. Mitcham

John Carter of Mars: Gods Of The Forgotten, Geary Gravel

John Muir, Mary Colwell

John the Posthumous, Jason Schwartz

John Wayne, Scott Eyman

The Judge, Randy Singer

Just Speculating, Geoff Sturtevant

Kansas City Noir, Steve Paul

Kill McAllister, Matt Chisholm

Killing Jesus, Stephen Mansfield

Knights of the Range, Zane Grey

Korak at the Earth’s Core, Win Scott Eckert

Lasso The Wind, Timothy Egan

The Last Nightingale, Anthony Flacco

The Last of the 357th Infantry, Mark Hager

The Last Wagon Train, Wm. W. Johnstone, JA Johnstone

Lawyer Trap, R.J. Jagger

The Leap: Launching Your Full-Time Career in Our Part-Time Economy , Robert Dickie

Lethal Injection, Jim Nisbet

Let’s Be Reasonable, Jonathan Marks

Let’s Ride, Sonny Barger

Light-Horse Harry Lee, Ryan Cole

Lightning Sky, R.C. George

Lobsters Scream When You Boil Them, Bruce Weinstein, Mark Scarbrough

Lone Star, T.R. Fehrenbach

Lord of the Two Lands, Judith Tarr

The Lost Wagon Train, Zane Grey

The Luck Runs Out, Charlotte MacLeod

The Man Who Walked Like a Bear, Stuart M. Kaminsky

Matchmakers, Richard Schmalensee, David Richard S. Evans

McAllister, Matt Chisholm

Mcallister Fights, Matt Chisholm

Mcallister Justice, Matt Chisholm

Mcallister Makes War, Matt Chisholm

McAllister Rides, Matt Chisholm

Menage, Alix Kates Shulman

Miami Noir, Les Standiford

Midnight Beach, Kay Jennings

Miracle Medicines, Robert L. Shook

Monahan’s Massacre (Trail West, Book 2), William W. Johnstone and JA Johnstone

The Mormonizing of America, Stephen Mansfield

The Most Dangerous President In History, Nick Adams

Mountain Man, Robert E. Howard

Murder at the 42nd Street Library, Con Lehane

Murder At The College Library, Con Lehane

Murder By Definition, Con Lehane

Murder In The Manuscript Room, Con Lehane

Murder Of An Elvis Girl, Buddy Moorehouse

Murder on the Trans-Siberian Express, Stuart M, Kaminsky

Mystery Writers of America Presents The Mystery Box, Ed. by Brad Meltzer

Nine Years Among the Indians, 1870-1879, Herman Lehmann

No Apologies, Anthony Esolen

No Safe Spaces, Dennis Prager, Mark Joseph, Adam Carolla

Nobody’s Angel, Thomas McGuane

Not a Day Care, Dr. Everett Piper, Bill Blankschaen

Occupational Hazards: The Blue-Collar Omnibus, Geoff Sturtevant *

Oceans Ventured, John F. Lehman

Once A Shooter, TJ Stevens

Operation Devil Horns, Michael Santini & Ray Bolger

Outworld Cats, Jack Lovejoy

Palm Beach, Mar-a-Lago, and the Rise of America’s Xanadu, Les Standiford

Pat Ruger: For Hire, Jack Huber *

Pillars For Freedom, Richard B. Levine

Pirate Alley, Michael Hirsh, Terry McKnight

Planet of Peril, Otis Adelbert Kline

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Christianity, Michael P. Foley

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change, Marc Morano

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism, Paul Kengor

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Economics, Thomas J. DiLorenzo

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration, John Zmirak, Al Perrotta

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Pandemics, Steven W. Mosher

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the American Revolution, Larry Schweikart, Dave Dougherty

The Politically Incorrect Guide To The Presidents, Part 1: From Washington to Taft, Larry Schweikart

Pop. 1280, Jim Thompson

The Port of Peril, Otis Adelbert Kline

Portland Noir, Kevin Sampsell

The Power Of Your Personal Impact, Stan Toler

Predator: Eyes Of The Demon, Bryan Thomas Schmidt *

Predator: If It Bleeds, Bryan Thomas Schmidt *

Pressure Point, William P. Wood

The Price Of Health, Michael Kinch, Lori Weiman

The Price Of Panic, Douglas Axe, Jay W. Richards, William Briggs

The Prince of Peril, Otis Adelbert Kline

The Problem with Lincoln, Thomas J. DiLorenzo

Protecting Capitalism Case by Case, Eliot Spitzer

Psychologically Sound: The Mind Of Donald J. Trump, Sheldon Roth, MD

Quicksand, William P. Wood

Radicals, David Horowitz

Raiders of Spanish Peaks, Zane Grey

Rampage, William P. Wood

The Range Detectives, William W. Johnstone w/ J.A. Johnstone

Reason, Faith, and the Struggle For Western Civilization, Samuel Gregg

Red Chameleon, Stuart M. Kaminsky

The Red Man’s Bones, Benita Eisler

The Reluctant Communist, Charles Robert Jenkins

Reluctant Warrior, Michael C. Hodgins

Replicator Run, Rainer Rey

Residue, Michael McGarrity

Rest You Merry, Charlotte MacLeod

The Restoration Of Man, Michael D. Aeschliman

Restricted Data, Alex Wellerstein

The Resurrection of Nat Turner. Part 1: The Witnesses, Sharon Ewell Foster

The Resurrection of Nat Turner, Part 2: The Testimony, Sharon Ewell Foster

Revolutions in American Music, Michael Broyles

The Right Questions, Phillip E. Johnson

Rostnikov’s Vacation, Stuart M. Kaminsky

Rotten Row, Chaz Brenchley

The Saad Truth About Happiness, Gad Saad

Sabotage, Matt Cook

Scalia, James Rosen

Scars of the Prophet, Mingo Kane *

The Scientology Murders, William Heffernan

Scorpion Rising: A Dan Roy Thriller, Mick Bose

The Searchers, Glenn Frankel

The Secret Kingdom, Otis Adelbert Kline, Allen S. Kline

See No Evil, John B. Pollak

Seven Days, Sterling Nixon

Shadow Pack, Marc Daniel

Shallow Waters, Kay Jennings

Shanghai Tang, Mick Bose

A Shape In The Dark, Bjorn Dihle

The Sinner’s Garden, William Sirls

Small Wars, Big Data, Elis Berman, Joseph H. Felter, Jacob N. Shapiro, Vestal McIntyre

Socialism Is Evil, Justin T. Haskins

Something in the Water, Charlotte MacLeod

Something the Cat Dragged In, Charlotte MacLeod

Sons Of Thunder, William W. Johnstone, JA Johnstone

The Spree of ’83, Freddy Powers, Catherine Powers, Jake Brown, Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson

Stay of Execution, William P. Wood

Stealing From God, Frank Turek

A Stirring in the North Fork, Mark Torres

A Swollen Red Sun, Matthew McBride

Sword and Scimitar, Raymond Ibrahim

Swords Against The Moon Men, Christopher Paul Carey

Take No Prisoners, David Horowitz

Tarnished Icons, Stuart M. Kaminsky

Tarzan: Battle For Pellucidar, Win Scott Eckert

Tarzan: Conqueror of Mars, Will Murray

Tarzan and the Lion of Judah, Gary A. Buckingham

Tarzan On The Precipice, Michael A. Sanford

Tarzan: Return to Pal-ul-don, Will Murray

Tarzan: The Greystoke Legacy Under Siege, Ralph N. Laughlin & Ann E. Johnson

Tarzan and The Forest Of Stone, Jeffrey J. Mariotte

The Terroir Of Whiskey, Rob Arnold

Terror of the Autumn Skies, Blaine Pardoe

The Test, Patricia Gussin

There Is Happiness, Brad Watson

Ticket to Ride, Ed Gorman

Time Suspended, Lori Avocato

To Catch A Spy, James M. Olson

Too Much Stuff, Don Bruns

Tough to Kill, Matt Chisholm

The Tonkin Protocol, Mick Bose

The Trail West (Trail West, Book 1), William W. Johnstone and JA Johnstone

Trumping Obama, Matt Margolis

Unethical Therapy from a Not-too-Distant Galaxy, NgTo

Unholy Trinity, Marc Daniel

Unified, Tim Scott & Trey Gowdy

Unmasking Obama, Jack Cashill

Unsung Hero Of Gettysburg, Edward G. Longacre

Vane Pursuit, Charlotte MacLeod

The Virtues, Craig A. Boyd, Kevin Timpe

The Vow, Kim Carpenter, Krickitt Carpenter and Dana Wilkerson

The War On Guns, John R. Lott, Jr., Phd

The Warrior Soul, Jerry Boykin, Stu Weber

Watershed, Davy Murrah

We Before Me, Mark E. Green

We Stood Upon Stars, Roger W. Thompson

The Wedge Of Truth, Phillip E. Johnson

What Stays in Vegas, Adam Tanner

When the Night, Cristina Comencini

When You Love A Prodigal, Judy Douglass

Where The Devil Don’t Stay, Stephen Deusner

While The Town Slept, William W. Johnstone & JA Johnstone

Whisper of the Seventh Thunder, Larry Brooks

Why We Kiss Under The Mistletoe, Michael P. Foley

The Wicked Die Twice, William W. Johnstone & JA Johnstone

Wolf Blade: Oath Of The Slayer, Marco Frazetta *

Wolf Blade: Chains Of The Vampire, Marco Frazetta *

Wolf Blade: Maze of the Dragon, Marco Frazetta *

Wrack and Rune, Charlotte MacLeod

Wrestling With Doubt, Finding Faith, Adam Hamilton

Writing Life Stories, Bill Roorbach

Wyatt in Wichita, John Shirley